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biOrb aquariums come in a variety of unique shapes and sizes. Explore aquariums that are perfect for small spaces and aquariums that add a stunning statement piece to your home.







Everything you need to get started

1. Acrylic Aquarium
2. LED lighting (Standard or MCR)
3. Air pump
4. Transformer
5. Water treatments
6. Filter cartridge
7. Ceramic media
8. Instructions   

Fish waste is collected at the bottom

1. Air driven filtration system creates vigorous water flow and a constantly changing water surface. This maintains oxygen saturation.
2. The circular flow of water then collects any fish waste on its way down.
3. It draws the waste through the ceramic media where the natural biological filtration absorbs some toxins. The freshly oxygenated water also feeds the bacteria.
4. Any remaining waste is trapped in the sponge cartridge. The water then passes through resin particles and natural stabilizers to remove toxic substances and keep the pH levels ­­­constant.
5. The clean water is then oxygenated as it flows back up the bubble tube to repeat the cycle

Change the atmosphere of your room

Aquariums with MCR lighting will change how you experience biOrb. Choose from 16 preset colors and control the brightness of the light. You can even set an automatic day and night light cycle. There's a setting to suit every mood and add to your sense of well-being. Automatic day and night light cycle not available with biOrb HALO 15 (4 gallon).


​An aquarium alone is a wonder, but to make it really come alive it needs creativity and decoration. Awaken your senses and let your creativity run free with the wide range of decorative accessories for our biOrb aquariums.

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